雖然是精神病但沒關係: 現實的童話 It’s Okay to not be Okay: The real tales

童話故事本是小朋友認識世界的濾鏡,而社會普遍都認為小朋友對世界的認知應該是樂觀積極,然而到他們長大了才意識到世界的不完美和人性的黑暗面,這樣真的比較好嗎?作為童話書作家的女主角高文英(徐睿知飾演)對童話的理解—「童話是一個喚醒現實的清醒劑」就回應了這一討論。劇中她創作的成人童話,就用簡單的字句,解釋著世界的複雜。 Fairy tales are a filter for children to understand the world, and society generally believes that children’s perception of the world should be optimistic and positive, but if they don’t realize the imperfections of the world and the dark side of human nature until they grow up, is this really better? Quoting the way how the fairy tale book writer Ko Moon-young (played by Seo Ye-ji ) in the drama understands fairy tales, "a fairy tale is a sober agent to awaken reality, it somehow responds to this discussion. The adult fairy tale she created in the play uses simple words to explain the complexity of the world.

梨泰院Class:你心中的世路   Itaewon Class:The “Sae-ro-yi" in your heart

所謂復仇,不只要為父親的死找回公道,亦要證明信念不只是弱者的自我安慰... 像世路一樣,沒有財力雄厚的背景,只有強烈的想法,不是不知道社會的潛規則,只是不認同,想為自己和處身地的未來出力。他們或會意氣用事,又或是用被形容為愚蠢的方法去抗爭,不管世界對他們的做法有何意見,但他們的出發點是不能否定的。

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