愛的迫降:擁抱不確定 Crash Landing on You: Uncertainty

印度俗語裡有這麼一句話: 有時候錯誤的列車,會把你帶到目的地。」
There is such a saying in India, ‘Sometimes even the wrong train can take us to the right destination.’

好久沒有在一部劇還未播完前就開始重看,而且連沒有主角出現的場目都不放過,實在太精彩!故事講述財閥女尹世理 (孫藝珍飾演)玩降落傘遇上龍捲風迫降到北韓,遇上及愛上了北韓軍官利政赫(玄彬飾演)。故事由一個意外開始,兩位主演在接受網媒訪問時,都不約而同地指出這部劇的重點字眼是:「不確定性」。對於初次見面的陌生人,你的生死就在對方手上,世理在異地大膽跟利政赫談判(想起他們第一次合作電影就叫《談判》),大概因她早有尋死的念頭(她曾到瑞士的目的),才能如此豁得出去吧。現實中遇上那種處境實在令人焦慮。

It ’s been a long time that I re-watched a drama before it ends. It ’s just awesome! The story tells a female chaebol Yoon Se-ri (played by Son Ye-jin) who accidentally landed on North Korea when she was parachuting under a tornado. She met and fell in love with a North Korean military officer Ri Jeong-hyuk (played by Hyun Bin). The story begins by an accident. In an online interview of the two starring actors, they emphasized that the key word of the drama is “uncertainty". When her life and death are in the hands of the a stranger, Se-ri is very brave to negotiate with Ri Jeong-hyuk in a unfamiliar environment (here tag their first film collaboration called “Negotiation"). Guess probably because she had tried to commit suicide before so she is fearless.  (The reason why she went to Switzerland). It really makes people anxious to encounter that situation in reality.

RiRi Couple的感情線在充滿未知的情況下展開,因為觀眾打從一開始就不知南北韓有否統一的一天,二人結局會怎樣是觀眾最好奇的地方(由第一集緊張到最尾一集最後15分鐘),再加上最後幾集穿插著生死相隔的情節(沒想到具承俊會真的死掉),不確定性造就了整部劇。「南北韓統一的話…」類似的對白在劇中出現多次,是編劇朴智恩在投射自己的冀望嗎?

The relationship of RiRi Couple is full of unknowns because whether the unification of North and South Korea can come true is a dream and how the drama ends would be the most curious part of the drama. Also, death became so close to the characters suddenly  in the last two episodes. (I did not expect Gu Seung-joon will die), and uncertainty created the tension of the drama. “If North and South Korea unified…" Similar dialogues appeared many times in the drama. Is the screenwriter park Ji-eun projecting her own wish?

2018年南北朝關係有突破性發展,以往描述南北韓的影視作品多為嚴肅,這部劇集大概提供了另一個對南北韓關係的想像空間。不知是否因劇集投射的浪漫想像,《愛的迫降》在韓國大受歡迎,取代了《請回答1988》成為AGB 全國最高平均收視率最高的劇。更值得一提是這部劇難得吸引了不少平日甚少追韓劇的港人追看,我在想是否因為最近港人深閨,所以多了時間追劇?

The relationship between North and South Korea had a breakthrough in 2018. The previous films and dramas that described North and South Korea in the past took this issue very serious. This episode probably provides another angle for us to imagine the North and South Korea relations. I don’t know if it’s because of the romantic imagination projected by the drama, “Crash Landing on You" is very popular in Korea, replacing “Reply 1988″ to achieve the highest average ratings (AGB drama) in the country. It is worth mentioning that this drama has attracted a lot of Hong Kong people who rarely watch Korean dramas. I was wondering whether it is because of the outbreak of coronavirus. 

武漢肺炎下,停課日子不斷延長,口罩供應不足,突然一個訊息全港進入恐慌式搶購潮… 種種的不確定性,令人焦慮。每天都在問何時才回復正常?

Class suspension prolonged again and again, the supply of masks has been inadequate, the panic buying triggered by a message under the outbreak in Hong Kong … All these uncertainties are worrying. Everyone asks about when it will return to normal.

我們每天不停尋找確定性,資訊要Fact Check,口罩要確保高質,工作要穩定,伴侶要有結婚打算… 人之常情,因為隨不確定性而來的可能是負面的結果。面對不確定性的態度,我們的知識、信任和經驗是幫助還是阻礙我們去與未知之數共存?

We are looking for certainty every day. The information needs to be “Fact Checked", the masks must be of high quality, the work must be stable, our partners must be loyal … It is  by human nature, because uncertainty may lead to negative results. In the face of uncertainty, do our knowledge, trust and experience help or hinder us from living normally under the unknown? 


Yet, with uncertainty it comes surprises. Each episode of “Crash Landing on You" attracted me not only by the interaction of the two protagonists but also the comparison between North and South Korea, which reminded me of my trip to North Korea. (The pictures below are taken during my summer vacation in North and South Korea in 2017)


Although some people criticized the drama for beautifying North Korea, I did feel the same in North Korea. That simplicity stems from when a society is not so developed and the people are not that good at calculation. The more you think, the more uncertainties arise. Ignorance sometimes brings more happiness.



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