請輸入檢索詞WWW- 脫軌 Search: WWW- Derailed

看完這部劇對提供網上搜尋引擎服務的公司有很多的疑問,例如那些公司是否真的會自我審查或發佈假新聞?而且,到底在這類公司中擔任高職位的是否以女性為主?《請輸入檢索詞WWW》用了三位性格和魅力不同的女主角(分別是林秀晶丶李多熙和全慧珍)去講述兩間提供網上搜尋引擎服務的公司Barro 和Unicon 之間的競爭(很精彩),而三位女主角的感情線相對為副線(事實上內容亦有點沉悶)。雖然劇集收線率不高,但卻因其脫離主流韓劇敍事手法而引起討論。這部劇的確有很多部分故意「脫軌」,編劇似乎有意打破觀眾對恆常社會風氣和權力關係的想像,這點可算是這部劇最引人入勝的地方。

Many questions came up my mind after watching this drama. For companies that provide online search engine services, do they really have self-censorship or publish fake news? And, are women predominantly holding high positions in such companies? In “Search: WWW", the story of three female characters  (Im Soo-jung , Lee Da-hee  and Jeon Hye-jin) shows the competition between two companies that provide online search engine services, Barro and Unicon (the story plots are great) while putting their love stories aside (in fact, the content is a bit dull). Although the rating of the drama is not high, it has caused hot discussion due to its “derailment" from the main track of Korean drama in terms of its narrative. Indeed, many parts of this drama are deliberately “derailed". The screenwriter seems to intentionally break audience’s imagination of the normal social atmosphere and power relations, which is the most fascinating part of the drama. 

1.男v.s.女 Male v.s. Female


The plot revolves around three female characters, all of whom occupy important positions in their companies. Their dedication, ambition and ability to work are high. The character setting also deliberately eliminated the gender stereotypes of men and women. Cha Hyeon (played by Lee Da-hee), dreamed of being a Taekwondo athlete when she was a child. She loved to use force to solve problems and even had charged of using violence. Bae Ta-mi (played by Im Soo-jung), likes to play video games in amusement arcades, and she is very competitive, showing that women are not necessarily weak. She has no intention of getting married and doesn’t like to associate love with the law, that’s why she broke up with Park Morgan (played by Jang Ki-yong) . Song Ga-kyeong (played by Jeon Hye-jin) achieves anything by fair means or foul. She has visited the shop for hiring boyfriend. Similar stories happen on male seem to be easier to be accepted.


In addition, the interaction of the three female characters in the drama shows the friendship between women who works hard in the workplace. Although Ta-mi and Cha Hyeon share different values ​​in work, when Ta-mi ends a relationship, the support she gave seemed to speak out of women’s “sisterhood" and understand the pain of losing her emotional pillar. In contrast to the “brotherhood" of men, women in the workplace can also have such romance. (I thought their relationship is kinda lesbian at the beginning.)



The episode ended with their story about work instead of love story happy ending. The three wore sunglasses, waved their hands, and confidently smiled. They lived out the image of modern women. Love is secondary.

2. 婆v.s.媳  Mother-in-law v.s. Daughter-in-law


This drama describes many inner struggles of women in balancing work and private life. Among them, Song Ga-kyeong, who was affected by political marriage, was oppressed and verbally humiliated by her mother-in-law. Although she felt grateful to her husband, she decided to divorce. She reported how her mother-in-law hinder political development through publishing fake news to the public in order to avenge her mother-in-law and change her life. In Korea, a society that focuses on hierarchy, the power relations between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law have been discussed in recent years. It is not easy to resist like Song Ga-kyeong in the drama. However it depends. Many younger generations of Korean (including Hong Kong people married to South Korea) point out that their mothers-in-law are more open, so it is not a problem to them.


3. 年資高v.s.低  Experienced v.s. Fresh

劇集中一個比較特別的配角就是由咖啡廳職員被塔美邀請轉職成為TF Team成員的趙雅羅(吳雅妍飾演)。她不靠背景丶沒有大學畢業,但她是搜索引擎的常用者,而且是網漫讀者,塔美欣賞她能從使用者的角度出發去提供意見,於是挖角。

A special supporting role in the drama is Jo Ah-ra (played by Oh Ah-yeon), who was invited by Ta-mi to be a member of the TF Team. She has no background, nor graduated from university, but she is a common search engine user and a online manga reader. Ta-mi appreciates that she can provide advice from the user’s perspective, so she invites her.


There is a scene about Ta-mi taking Ah-ra to meet with a popular cartoonist to discuss cooperation. Facing her idol, the newly recruited Ah-ra showed surprise and shyness, and accidentally broke his carry-on bag. The cartoonist looked down on her and refused to communicate with her. He asked Ta-mi to carry on the report but was refused by Ta-mi as she saw that the cartoonist’s attitude on a junior staff. In the end, Ta-mi gave Ah-ra her branded handbag and revealed the unspoken rule of society, i.e. the importance of dress up. Probably the so-called experience is to understand some unspoken rules of society, but who said that the hidden rules must be right?

4. 國v.s.民 Nation v.s. Citizens

最後要談的是跟整部劇主題最有關的—網絡訊息自由度與私隱權問題。到底為了國家安全或者簡單地說,為了查案,執法機構可否以法律來要求提供網上搜尋引擎服務的公司交出公眾的資料呢?故事最後透過兩間公司的合作,三位女主角在記者會上的聯合宣言,表達了國民對有關監控的反對。現實中,內地政府的網路監控和早前Facebook有關用戶資料外洩等問題,都不斷令人思考兩個問題:一是大數據的世代,個人私隱的價值是什麼,以及二. 到底個人權益還是國家利益比較重要。

The last thing to talk about is the most relevant to the whole theme of the drama, i.e. the freedom of internet information and the issue of privacy. In the end, can law grant power to law enforcement agencies to collect public information from companies which provide online search engine services? At the end of the story, through the cooperation between the two companies, a joint declaration by the three female characters at a press conference expressed the national opposition to the monitoring. In reality, the mainland government’s cyber monitoring and the previous Facebook leakage of user data and other issues continue to make people think about two issues: one is in the era of big data, what is the value of personal privacy, and the second one is: which should come first, individual rights or public interests.


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