她的私生活: 私生飯 Her Private Life: Sasaeng Fan 사생팬


What attracts me most of this drama is its description of a subculture in South Korea-“Sasaeng Fan". Through the behaviors of Sung Deok-mi (played by Park Min-young) in front of her idol Cha Shi-an (played by Jung Jae-won ), we can understand more about the mentality of an obsessive fan. (Although I’m a crazy fan of any idol, I somehow can connect with those fans!) I think it is really hard to invest a lot of time and money for a beloved idol just like what the fans did. Also, not everyone is happy to see the true side of their idols.


Generally speaking, “Sasaeng Fan" refers to fans who like to spy on the private life of a celebrity. According to my friends who are sasaeng fans, their approaches to idols include: waiting for him outside his home or office, patronizing idols’ hair salons, restaurants or cafes, patronizing idols’ family shops and following idols’ nanny cars or own cars. If they are lucky, they could sneak shots or even talk to their idols. Some members of the Korean male idol groups were even exposed to have close contact with their obsessive fans (even sexual relations). Of course, these are extreme examples, and these examples not only occur in South Korea, but also in Japan, Taiwan and the Mainland. Compared to Europe and the United States, idols are relatively care free in public places, and cause less commotion (the situation reflected in the news on the Internet)


In “Her Private Life", Sung Deok-mi’s secret identity is Cha Shi-an’s crazy fan. By coincidence, she gets to know her idol’s private life and became his brother’s lover. Her rival Kim Hyo-jin (played by Kim Bo-ra) is a typical sasaeng fan who enjoy sharing her sneak photos of Cha Shi-an to express her love for him. From their stories, we can better understand the situation of a professional “star chaser":

1.偷拍 Sneak shot


A crisis happened in the drama was that Shi-an fans mistakenly thought that Sung Deok-mi was Shi-an’s secret girlfriend because she saw Hyo-jin’s sneak photo on the Internet. The misunderstanding originated from Sung Deok-mi wearing the coat of Heo Yoon-jae (played by Kim Jae-wook ), but it happened that Shi-an had the same coat, and Deok-mi left from Shi-an’s building after work. Fans regard their idols as “husband And boyfriends" so their hostile attitude towards the lovers of their idols is easy to be understood.

2. 攻擊 Attack 


然而,部分激進的粉絲會因為太愛自己的偶像作出攻擊性的行為,就像劇中描述成德美被人用雞蛋和BB 蛋手槍襲擊。現實中,偶像的另一半除了實際的攻擊(少數)外,更多是遭到網絡的言語攻擊。另一方面,偶像都會受到黑粉(ANTI Fan) 的攻擊,最極端的例子是有韓國女子團體被淋腐蝕性液體差點失明,和有男子偶像團體收到死亡恐嚇。有些黑粉之前可能是這些偶像的粉絲。

However, some radical fans will act aggressively because they love their idols too much, as it is described in the play that Sung Deok-mi was attacked with eggs and BB guns. In reality, in addition to the actual attacks (a few), fans may probably verbally attack the partners of their idols on the Internet. Sometimes, idols are attacked by ANTI Fan as well. The most extreme examples are a member of a Korean women’s group was almost blind due to some corrosive liquid thrown by their anti-fans. A men’s idol group also received death threats. Some anti-fans may indeed have been fans of these idols before.

3. 聖地巡禮 Pop Culture Tourism


There is a scene in the drama that is about Sung Deok-mi feeling down due to her work. Her friend Lee Seon-joo (played by Park Jin-joo ) took her to a hotel president’s suite where she had stayed to “pilgrimage". Using the wordings Seon-joo used in the drama, the activity that fans go to a place where their idols stayed before is called “Pop Culture Tourism" or a kind of pilgrimage. Simply found information on the Internet, the origin of this concept should come from the Japanese anime industry. Later, it refers to all fans who use this alternative way to approach their idols. In the drama, Sung Deok-mi and Seon joo took photos from various angles following what Shi-an did.

4. 互動



Of course, what fans want to do most maybe to have the opportunity to interact with their idols. Sung Deok-mi is probably the winner in the eyes of many fans. Not only did she have the opportunity to work with Shi-an and even went to his home, she also became a friend of him. However, some viewers may have a question: Why didn’t Sung Deok-mi disclose her identity as a fan to Shi-an? If someone told you the fantasies of being a fan or the aura of being an idol will disappear from the moment you meet the idol/ know your fans. What replaces it will be your relationship. Do you still want to do so?


To bear the fact that idols have different sides of self, and that idols have to present the real self in front of fans, I think this is the reason why Sung Deok-mi keeps a distance from her idol.



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