阿爾罕布拉宮的回憶- 改變世界的魔法 Memories of the Alhambra- World Magic

大概是近兩年最高追看性的韓劇! 當然, 這只是個人想法, 但這部劇不論在題材、特技、選角、劇情和所表達的訊息都配合得很好!

Probably the most ‘binge-watch’able Korean drama in the past two years! Of course, it is just my opinion but this drama, regarding the theme, CG, casting, plot and presentation of message, all work great together!

對重視劇情合理度的觀眾而言, 近年以新穎題材而大熱的韓劇都逃不過「爛尾」的結局 (即是劇情走得太遠難以合理地解釋到角色最後如何), 《阿爾罕》算是例外嗎?

For audiences who value the logical flow of a drama, those popular Korean dramas with innovative themes in recent years all ended with unacceptable ending. Is “Memories of the Alhambra" an exception?

劇集主要講述一個電腦遊戲製作公司的老闆劉鎮宇(玄材飾演)和一對從小移居西班牙的姐弟鄭熙珠和鄭世周(分別由朴信惠和朴燦烈飾演)之間發生的科幻故事。擴增實景(AR) 的技術被運用在遊戲世界, 因遊戲的「缺陷」令現實世界和遊戲世界出現重疊甚至混亂,因而導致真實世界中出現受傷或死亡的奇幻劇情。很多人都將劇名中提及的「改變世界的魔法」視作AR技術,正如鎮宇對熙珠說:「一年後格拉納達會變成魔法城市」中指的正是AR 遊戲會將那裡變得大受歡迎。的確,近年有關虛擬實景的技術主要被應用在遊戲上, 而本劇似乎將社會對有關技術的憂慮(使用時的安全問題) 戲劇化地呈現出來。

The drama mainly tells a sci-fi story among Yoo Jin-woo (played by Hyun Bin), owner of a computer game production company, Jung Hee-joo and Jung Se-joo (played by Park Shin-hye and Park Chan-yeol respectively) who are siblings and live in Spain. Augmented Reality (AR) technology is used in game industry. Due to the “defects" of the game, the reality and the virtual world overlap, resulting in real physical injury or death. Many people refer “the magic that changes the world" mentioned in the drama to AR technology. Just as what Jin-woo said to Se-joo, “Granada will become a magic city in one year." It exactly means AR games will become very popular there. In recent years, the technology related to virtual reality is mainly applied to games, and this play seems to dramatize the concerns of society about the technology (security issues when using it).

的確,擴增實境技術對體驗者可能是一個魔法,讓他們處身在熟悉的地方但有另類的經歷。不過,此劇所說的魔法另有其事。劇中那場人生遊戲出現的「缺陷」,源於人類的不信任。 劇中鎮宇的生命充滿「缺陷」, 離了一次婚又再結了一次婚、好兄弟與前妻結婚、與現任太太又要離婚、企圖用不良手法獲得女主角弟弟所創作的遊戲版權等等, 在他的生命中, 就算是最親近的人, 都不值得信任。這解釋為何他會喜歡了單純,願意相信他的熙珠。

Indeed, AR technology can be a magic to the user, putting them in a familiar place but having an extraordinary experience. However, the magic that the drama want to show is not AR. The “defects" exist in the game or in the life of the characters come from mistrust. In the drama, Yoo Jin-woo’s life is full of “imperfection". He divorced once and married again, his best friend married his ex-wife, he is preparing another divorce, trying to obtain the copyright of the game with dishonesty, etc. In his life, no one is worthy of trust. This explains why he likes Se-joo, a girl who trust him.

英國心理學家Donald W.Winnicott 說過一句「我敢在他人懷裡孤獨」(Dare to be lonely in someone else’s arms),既反映人面對孤獨的態度,亦說出了一種人與人之間信任的最理想狀態。正如在台灣諮商師王浩威的《生命的十二堂情緒課》中提及, 假如你有勇氣在一個人面前展示你的孤獨, 或在一班人當中享受獨處, 就是信任的表現。信任是最大的力量,老生常談,但一旦有了憂慮,要真正的信任一個人,其實很難。

British psychologist Donald W. Winnicott once said “Dare to be lonely in someone else’s arms", which reflects both the attitude of people facing loneliness and the most ideal way to trust someone. As mentioned in Taiwanese counselor Wang Haowei’s “12 Lessons on Emotion", if you have the courage to show your loneliness in front of a person, or enjoy solitude among a group of people, it is an expression of trust. Trust is the greatest strength, cliché but it is actually difficult to truly trust someone if you have worries.



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