我的大叔- 有期徒刑人生 My Mister- Life Prisoner

有誰曾經認為生活的負擔有時會大得將你的生活變得像坐牢一般辛苦? 有人會用一隻在滑輪中狂奔的倉鼠去形容自己,每天重覆地生活著,像《我的大叔》投射的社會一樣,人人都在為生活而苦惱著。男主角朴東勳(由充滿演員魅力的李善均飾演)在家中排得第二,有一份安穩的工作,成就比兄弟傑出,一直平凡的生活因他的太太出軌和認識了生活貧苦的女主角李至安(IU 飾演)而出現變化。李至安拼命賺錢還債和照顧年老的奶奶,於是隱瞞自己有殺人案底的身份進入朴東勳任職的公司工作,接近他以竊聽他的生活,以情報交換金錢。但她愈了解,愈發現對方是一個善良的人,更慢慢喜歡上對方。

Has anyone ever thought that the burden of life can sometimes be so great that makes your life as hard as in jail? Someone would use a hamster running on a pulley to describe himself, living repeatedly every day, like the society projected by “My Mister", everyone is distressed by life. Park Dong-hoon (played by charismatic Lee Sun-kyun) ranks second in the family. He has a stable job which makes him a successful man comparing to his brothers. Lee Ji-an (played by IU) desperately makes money to pay back loans and take care of her grandma, so she hide her background as a murderer and entered the company where Park Dong-hoon worked, approaching him to wiretap his life and exchange information for money. Yet, the more she knows Park Dong-hoon, the more she realized that he is a kind person, and the more she liked him.


Dong-hoon has a family and earns stable income. This kind of dull life is what he used to work for, but he slowly forgets what he wants. Ji-an was poor since she was a child, she is sophisticated and seems live only for earning money. Now she has the opportunity to make a lot of money but she now realizes that she can have something more than money in her life, i.e. relationship. The two are like healing the fulfillment of the other’s soul. The boring life due to the pursuit of change may be the reason why Dong-hoon kindly cares Ji-an and even fights for her. Dong-hoon’s caring changed Ji-an’s understanding of human relationships in a cruel society, she now see the hope of life.


故事的結局,二人各有各的生活,平凡但小確幸,要是他們沒有遇上過對方,彼此治癒,他們的生活態度不會有改變,而這改變是來自他們找到了同路人—同樣在找尋生活意義的人。整部劇的色調柔和平淡,配合暗黑色彩的OST(個人覺得Sondia 的大人어른 充滿感覺) ,完美呈現了不少現代化社會生活的人無力感。然而,結局的美好,仿佛是編劇在告訴我們:你所身處的不是一個無期徒刑的牢獄,時機到了,你只需踏腳走出來就行了。

At the end of the story, the two have their own lives, simple but happy. Fortunately, the fact that they met each other heals them and changes their life attitude. This change comes from the fact that they have found accompany in searching the meaning of life. The color tone of the whole drama is so soft and plain with some sad OST (I personally feel that Sondia’s adult 어른 is so soothie), it perfectly shows the powerlessness of modern social life. However, the happy ending is just like the screenwriter is telling us: you are not in a prison sentence of life imprisonment, when the time is up, you just need to step out.

後記:上一代的男演員近年開始要以大叔形象示人(例如金來沅丶玄彬和李善均), 但是他們的演技成熟,飾演穩重既角色分分鐘比新一代的小鮮肉更有吸引力。本劇當中亦有不少描寫「大叔」的內容,如中年危機丶大叔的浪漫—足球和啤酒等等。

Afterwords: In recent years, the actors of the previous generation have portrayed themselves as uncles (such as Kim Rae-won, Hyun Bin, and Lee Sun-kyun) in their dramas. Their acting skills are mature. I think the roles they played are even more attractive than many stud muffins in Korea. There are also many scenes describing “uncle" in this drama, such as middle-aged crisis, uncle’s romance: football and beer, etc. 


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